Public Inquiries / Independent Reviews 

Why Chose Us?

We have extensive expertise in this unique environment, having successfully worked with a number of statutory and non-statutory Public Inquiries and Independent Reviews to develop and implement their approaches to both trauma-informed engagement and safeguarding. 

This has included providing specialist consultancy to the design of appropriate safeguarding strategies and procedures, as well as developing trauma-informed support models for Inquiry participants and training staff in both trauma-informed engagement with the wider public and safeguarding within Inquiry contexts.

This approach ensures Inquiries and Reviews in particular can deliver on their terms of reference, whilst mitigating as much as possible against participant harm and the risk of re-traumatisation.

Collectively the team have provided expertise to a number of different Public Inquiries and Independent Reviews including: Independent Inquiry Child Sexual Abuse; Manchester Arena Inquiry; Infected Blood Inquiry; Future of Church Safeguarding Review; and the Whyte Review. The team are currently also working with a number of live Inquiries.


Years in the industry.
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Our Public Inquiry Services

  • Design and development of trauma-informed support models for witnesses and Core Participants, including liaising with third party suppliers or assistance with procurement of these
  • Specialist advice with designing trauma-informed approaches to public engagement
  • Development of a trauma-informed strategy and training for staff in the implementation of this
  • Ongoing service consultation and support
  • Consultancy relating to staff support requirements
  • Development of safeguarding policy and procedures
  • Safeguarding training 
  • Supervision, mentoring and coaching
  • Reflective practice sessions
  • Expert witness reports and oral evidence (when within our areas of expertise)
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128 City Road



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